Crochet Dress Pattern


Hello everybody, nice to meet you here. Here you will find many amazing patterns and I hope that all of this will help and inspire you to keep creating. Let’s evolve together and make everyone more beautiful and colorful.


Before creating, tell me how you are, how your week is going. Crochet is the technique that is most successful around here and I must admit that it is one of the ones I like to do the most.


A few days ago we shared several models of dresses that were very successful on our website. There are many more models and we want to show you some more.

That white dress is simply stunning. Short in length, with details on the neckline and an incredible fit. Explained in graphic form, we learn how to do all the stitches and you will see how beautiful the model looks.

This time we brought it to the little ones too. Come learn with us.

White Summer Dress

Here the thinner, lighter yarns are more beautiful. Especially since we are making a summer dress. Come see the pattern in Crochet and Knitting.

Little Miss Allison’s Dress

And for the little ones we also found many incredible models. Here we have a very simple model, but full of charm. With a bar of different colors and a belt, this model looks amazing. Here we have buttons that give a different touch, in addition to a very delicate sleeve.


For those of you who still don’t have the habit of making baby clothes, bet on items like this.


They are always very successful there. Pattern from Ravelry.

Sugar N Spice Dress

A dress like this is enchanting. Make our little ones even more princesses. See how details make the difference. here we have a beautiful flower on the waist, finishing off a belt that is made in the same dress, in a different color. As well as the barred.

Learning to make the first flower, then you can decide if you want to leave just one or add more.


Check that it is securely fastened and that there are no ends that could poke or disturb your baby. Pattern from This Housewife Life.

Raglan Dress Pattern

If you are looking for an easy to make dress, the Raglan Dress is perfect for you. All with simple and quick stithces to be crocheted. After a few rounds you already have your dress. The cool thing is that the length is pretty simple to change too. With a few more rounds you have a longer dress. The opposite is also valid.


Choose a color you like, separate the materials and check out the pattern at Sierras Crafty Creations.

Dress for All Seasons

Long sleeve models are also here and can be used on all occasions. On that cooler day, at the end of the night, it is beautiful and comfortable for you. The choice of yarn interferes a lot. When we want a warmer dress, thicker yarns are recommended. These are simple tips that, with a little more practice, you will understand and become automatic.


So, do you know what color you’re going to make this model? Pattern from Ravelry.

Granny Stitch Pretty Dress

Look what a wonderful dress! One more model that you can make to complete your looks. Here we have a different stitch, a little more open. You can match a second piece underneath or line the dress with another fabric. Some accessories go very well here too. Then just finish it off with heels or flats, depending on the occasion.

   Easy Crochet Shawl Patterns

Come learn this pattern in Jenny and Teddy.