Category Archives: Crochet Flower

Рисуван шестоъгълник на цвете – безплатен модел

Hello everybody! What a pleasure to meet you here. How is everything there? I hope to find you all well, in good health, willing to make beautiful handicrafts and share your experiences with us. I’m always very happy when I can bring new patterns and share them with you. The Painted Flower Hexagon was one […]

Площад на африканските цветя

African Flower Square, crochet blanket with african flower square, an amazing crochet square pattern. Check out our amazing crochet blanket with african flower squares, they are beautiful and inspiring. The African flower crochet blanket is one of the most beautiful crochet flowers, when we do we can imagine how beautiful this blanket will be, crochet […]

Плетено на една кука C2C одеяло с цветни ъгли

Crochet C2C Flower Corners Blanket, crochet is an art that I consider ideal to do because it is a relaxing activity. It takes the stress out of daily life, and yet it is a job that gives a lot of pleasure. With the completion of the work comes satisfaction with the result. In crochet, we […]

Плетена на една кука красива флорална кутия за дрънкулки

Crochet Pretty floral trinket box, when we talk about crochet, we go from a small piece like this to those gigantic pieces. This small piece is both an organizer and an ornament. Here is a beautiful crochet box that discreetly is a place to store those small items that are sometimes scattered around the house. […]

Плетено шестоъгълно одеяло за избор и смесване

Crochet Hexagon Pick & Mix Blanket, with beautiful stitches and colors that have a very delicate and perfect end result. With this piece we can make the environment look new and with a beautiful touch. With a surprising tone, it is a perfect piece to decorate the room as it has neutral colors that are […]

Плетено одеяло с градински цветя

Crochet Garden Flowers Blanket beautiful and, above all, an indispensable component when setting up your decor. Well, it has Beautiful colors and an incredible look by its pattern and its wonderful point. Because they are used to change the look of the environment and can even help you by warming you up at night. On […]

Плетене на една кука Calla Lily Flower

Crochet Calla Lily Flower, when we talk about crochet, we can and should think about decoration. With a crocheted piece, you will bring a delightful and pleasant handmade style to the environment. A crochet flower, for example, is an excellent option, since it matches any environment and appeals to all styles. Its shapes are varied […]