Kategorie-Archive: Quilt


Hey dear colleagues, good to have you here with us once again. We want to show you the options you can make for Christmas. After all, we are in the best time of the year. The streets become more colorful, the people more friendly. It would be nice to have the Christmas spirit every day, […]

Alles ist ein helles Quiltmuster

Hey fellow crafters, welcome to Crochet Art Free. We are very happy to have your company again this time. We are finishing another year together, with a lot of learning. Have you taken a look at how many patterns have been shared here? I hope you took advantage of the tips that the designers of […]

Weihnachtsstrumpf – Kostenloses Muster

Hey everyone, great to have you here! Welcome to a new pattern, a new idea to inspire you these days. The Christmas atmosphere has taken over everywhere and this is one of the coolest times to make a beautiful piece of crafts. Whether for decoration, to sell, to give as a gift or to make […]


Hallo zusammen, schönen Sonntag! Ich hoffe, Ihr Wochenende ist unglaublich. Ob Sie Zeit mit der Familie verbringen, verschiedene Aktivitäten mit Freunden unternehmen oder die Gelegenheit nutzen, ein neues Muster zu lernen. Das Wochenende hat immer dieses Gefühl der Erleichterung, eine Zeit zum Ausruhen, Planen der Woche und Auftanken. Trotzdem sind wir hier, weil wir keinen weiteren Tag warten konnten […]

Kostenloses Muster für eine Windeltasche

Hello everyone, great to welcome you here once again. Here at Crochet Art Free you will find a world of possibilities, ideas to keep your hands moving, always creating new pieces. It’s been a while since we met here, I want to know how you are. I hope everyone is healthy and ready for a […]


Hello everyone, we have arrived at the start of a new month and a new week. Around here, it feels like it’s going too fast. I think that theory is right, the more things we do, the faster time passes. And if you are looking for inspiration for new projects, stay with us until the […]

3 Yard Quilt – Umarmungen und Küsse

Hi everyone, good to see you here. Can you believe that we are already in the seventh month of the year? Did it go by as fast as it did here? It seems like just yesterday we celebrated the turn of the year and now we’re past the halfway point. It just makes me think […]


Hi everyone, nice to see you here at Crochet Art Free. It is very gratifying to know that you remember us when it comes to crafts. That’s why we are always bringing news, different patterns and techniques to inspire you to keep creating and evolving. Only with practice can we increase the difficulty of the […]

Benötigen Sie ein Geschenk nächste Woche Quiltmuster

Hey loves! Good to see you here. How is your week going? I hope to find everyone in good health and willing to learn a new pattern. Here at Crochet Art Free you will find beautiful patterns, with different techniques to always renew your crafts and bring news. I know you can’t do everything that’s […]

Ein Vintage-Weihnachtssteppmuster

Hello my loves, welcome to Crochet Art Free. I missed you guys, this is our first meeting this year and it’s already February. I hope you had a good time at the end of the year, close to your loved ones. After all, nothing better than that to catch your breath and be more excited […]