
Hey dear colleagues, good to have you here with us once again. We want to show you the options you can make for Christmas. After all, we are in the best time of the year. The streets become more colorful, the people more friendly. It would be nice to have the Christmas spirit every day, […]

Alles ist ein helles Quiltmuster

Hey fellow crafters, welcome to Crochet Art Free. We are very happy to have your company again this time. We are finishing another year together, with a lot of learning. Have you taken a look at how many patterns have been shared here? I hope you took advantage of the tips that the designers of […]

Häkelmuster für Weihnachtskugeln

Hello my loves, welcome to another pattern here at Crochet Art Free. I hope to find you all well, healthy and excited to end this year in the best possible way. I know it’s already December, but there’s still time to complement your decor with handcrafted pieces. This is always our goal, to put projects […]

Weihnachtsstrumpf – Kostenloses Muster

Hey everyone, great to have you here! Welcome to a new pattern, a new idea to inspire you these days. The Christmas atmosphere has taken over everywhere and this is one of the coolest times to make a beautiful piece of crafts. Whether for decoration, to sell, to give as a gift or to make […]

Lebkuchenhaus-Adventskalender – Kostenloses Muster

Hey guys, welcome to Crochet Art Free. Here you will find incredible patterns, for beginners in the world of crafts and also for those who want to improve themselves, learn a new model, technique. In short, we have patterns for all tastes and practice levels. We have already entered the end of the year season […]

Trainieren Sie Amigurumi – Kostenloses Muster

Hello everyone, great to see you here! Welcome once again to Crochet Art Free. I hope this article finds you all well, full of health and excited for the Christmas patterns that we are going to start sharing with you. That’s right, we’re entering the most thematic time of the year. And, to be quite […]


Hallo zusammen, schönen Sonntag! Ich hoffe, Ihr Wochenende ist unglaublich. Ob Sie Zeit mit der Familie verbringen, verschiedene Aktivitäten mit Freunden unternehmen oder die Gelegenheit nutzen, ein neues Muster zu lernen. Das Wochenende hat immer dieses Gefühl der Erleichterung, eine Zeit zum Ausruhen, Planen der Woche und Auftanken. Trotzdem sind wir hier, weil wir keinen weiteren Tag warten konnten […]

Häkelmuster für eine Oma-Weste

Hey loves, welcome to our craft space. Tell me how you are, ready to learn another pattern with us? I hope you’re excited for the weekend. There will be lots of crafts and techniques here to motivate and encourage you to continue creating. So, shall we go? Crochet garments are always very successful. They are […]

Kostenloses Muster für eine Windeltasche

Hello everyone, great to welcome you here once again. Here at Crochet Art Free you will find a world of possibilities, ideas to keep your hands moving, always creating new pieces. It’s been a while since we met here, I want to know how you are. I hope everyone is healthy and ready for a […]


In the realm of handicrafts, the art of crochet has stood the test of time as a versatile and creative technique. One of its most exquisite manifestations is the crochet doily rug. Combining functionality with artistry, these intricate rugs bring a touch of vintage charm and elegance to contemporary interiors. In this article, we delve […]